Cute Blue Flying Butterfly

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Body Myths BUSTED Part 1!

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These are some health
superstitions (that 
most people believe) 
that are proven wrong
(I have red it from Total Girl
mag Oct. 2009, Philippines,
and I would to 
share it to you :3 ) 

Myth: Getting wet from rain will 
make you sick!

Truth: Next time your mom freaks out,
tell her this: rain water alone will not
give a cold. Getting drenched lowers your
body temp. & weaken your immune sys.,
& also your body's defense sys. And 
when your body's defenses are not working,
cold viruses can easily attack your body--
this is what will make you sick. So while
it's okay to play in the rain sometimes,
be sure to get warm right after& take 
some immune-boosting Vitamin C 
to help your body out.

Myth: Swallowed bubble gum will take
years to digest

Truth: It's true that our stomachs can't 
digest gum, but it only takes around a day for our
body to expel it--not several years! You know how
corn still looks like,well , corn, when it comes out
the other end? The same thing happens with gum:
it travels through our system still as gum, but it WILL
find its way out of your body.

Myth: You get acne because you're not 
washing your face enough

Truth: Pimples and acne can pop up
 when chemicals in your body called hormones act
up--this will happen more when you hit your
teen years! Too much face washing can even make 
pimples worse, because you'll end up with dry skin,
which will cause your body to make more oil to make up for 
it then--out comes a pimple :o

Myth: You should drink 8 glasses of water 
a day.

Truth: There's no magic number for water.
Some people can even get really sick
from too much water, a scary condition called
"water intoxication". Truth is, we get a lot of the
water we need from the food and other drinks 
we have every day. Although drinking water is 
essential for our bodies, how much water we need depends
on each person

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