(These are made by my cousin >w<)

My cousin (which is younger than me :P) really
loves to make these cute little (usually vocaloids)
models in a program called MikuMikuDance
(which is commonly abbreviated to MMD).
Talk about full of talent, I don't even know
how to make one, lol. I plan to be making
them & I'll be asking help from my cousin XD.
She makes a lot of online friends on
facebook & they seem to like her artworks.
Some of her friends requests her to make
them a MMD model, but before she starts
making them, she asks him/her what color,
hairstyle, what expression will the model be
showing , etc. Then, she tags you in the photo
of the MMD model or either PM it to you
when she's done making your request.
She made a lot of MMD models already,
lol, they're very cute, I'm telling you XD.
If you want to add her in Facebook,
here's the link to her account:
She's ready to receive a MMD
request! Or, maybe not all the time :3
NOTE: If you want to use any of my cousins
artworks, Ask permission from her first so you
may use them.